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Community Services

Food, Shopping, and Other Services

 Daughters of Israel

 1155 Pleasant Valley Way, West Orange


 Eruv Hotline is external)

 973-736-1407 x234

 JCC West Orange

 760 Northfield Avenue, West Orange


 JCC Whippany

 901 Route 10, Whippany


 Jewish Education  Association of MetroWest

 901 Route 10, Whippany


 Jewish Family Services
 of MetroWest

 256 Columbia Turnpike, Florham Park


 Jewish Vocational Services
 of MetroWest

 111 Prospect Street, East Orange


 Kessler Institute

 1199 Pleasant Valley Way, West Orange


 New Jersey Jewish News -   

 901 Route 10, Whippany


 UJC Federation of
 MetroWest New Jersey

 901 Route 10, Whippany


 West Orange Shuls
 Yahoo! Group



 CBL Fine Art  459 Pleasant Valley Way,
 West Orange
 Lubavitch Center of Essex County  456 Pleasant Valley Way,
 West Orange



Food Establishments (under the Vaad of MetroWest.) 

Check website for up to date info:

Aron's Supermarket 629 Eagle Rock Avenue, West Orange 973-736-5000
Jerusalem Restaurant  99 West Mount Pleasant Avenue, Livingston  973-533-1424
 Kosher Village at ShopRite
 of Essex Green
 11 Prospect Avenue, West Orange  973-736-9374
 Kosher Village at ShopRite
 of Livingston
 483 South Livingston Avenue,
 Reuben's Glatt Spot   659 Eagle Rock Avenue,
 West Orange
 ShopRite of Parsippany -
 Glatt Kosher Butcher
 808 Route 46 West, Parsippany  973-335-2625
 Super Duper Bagels  498 South Livingston Avenue,
 West Orange Bake Shop  480 Pleasant Valley Way,
 West Orange


Fri, March 28 2025 28 Adar 5785